Casino Craps Explained

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People who are just getting started with craps have a hard time understanding all the available craps bets. The truth is that the process is rather simple if you understand that out of all the possible craps bets there are only a few that's worth the effort when playing craps. This means that you won't have to learn or remember all of them.

The Best Craps Bets

It is possible to bet on any two dice combo but if you're a newcomer to the game you should limit your bets to those listed below.

Pass Line Bet: This is a basic crap bet that is placed prior to the game's first roll (come out). In games where the shooter rolls 7 or 11 you'll win money if you placed a pass line bet but you'll lose the bet if he rolls 2, 3 or 12. Likewise when the shooter throws the point number you'll win on this bet and lose if he rolls a 7 before he rolls the point. Pass line bets are popular because players generally like to root for the shooter.

Don't Pass Bet: The don't pass bet is the exact opposite of the pass line bet. In this case players are betting against the shooter. The result is that you'll win the don't pass bet if the game's shooter rolls a 2 or 3 or if he rolls 7 before rolling a second point. You'll lose if he manages to roll the point before the 7 a second time around. If the come out roll is 12 the don't pass bet neither wins or loses.

Craps is one of the oldest casino games, and has existed in its current form for over a century. This long history means craps is a popular game that has passed the test of time. But casinos like to put a fresh spin on older casino games – especially if it increases their edge. Enter crapless craps, which is a variation on this time-honored game. Craps is a fun casino game where players place bets on the table and root for the shooter to roll a winning number with the dice before sevening out. Only one player per round is the shooter, but any player can bet on the table. The dice are passed around the table clockwise after each round so anyone interested in being the shooter gets a turn.

Odds Bet: This bet comes in just behind the pass bet if there is a point set in the game's first roll. The bet is paid out at true odds which mean that there is no house edge on this bet. In the casino craps table there is no room for odds bets and a lot of casinos allow odd bets to be placed as much as 100 times the bet placed for pass line. An example would be, if you place a pass line bet of $10 your odds bet can be $20 or up to 100 times that which will be $1000.

For point numbers of 6 or 8 the odds bet pays 6 to 5. It pays out 3 to 2 for point numbers of 5 or 9 and 2 to 1 when the points are 4 or 10. Odds betting should always be placed on a point.

Laying Odds Bet: The laying odds bet is a stark contrast of the odds bet. It is a bet that is made to say that the shooter will throw a 7 before he rolls a second point. It also has a zero house edge.

Come Bet: Similar to a pass line bet the craps come bet is wagered on the outcome of point rolls. There is a designated area on the table that is marked for come bets. You'll win the bet if the forthcoming roll is either 7 or 11 and lose if it's a 2, 3 or 12. A point is set up for any roll other than those numbers.

Come Bet Odds Bet: Come bet odds are very similar to odds bet the only difference being that it must be used on a come bet rather than on a pass line bet.

Don't Come Bet: The odds for this bet are the same as the don't pass bet and is very similar to this bet except that it is wagered on a point number.

The bets listed above are the basic craps bets that you should be familiar with and use especially if you are a beginner. The smallest possible house edge is available on these best craps bets and they cannot be eliminated from the table until resolved. These are the only bets you need to play craps betting strategy using odds bets and decrease casino advantage to minimum.

Craps Bets With High Casino Edge


For those with a greater risk appetite, there are opportunities to win more on each roll through alternative bets. While these do pose a more aggressive house edge, players can use these bets to their advantage in order to win more substantially with each successful shoot.

Place Bet: The place bet pays slightly less than true odds, but allows players the chance to profit from rolling a place number before they roll a 7, and are associated with a particular place number depending on the bet.

Place To Lose Bet: Similar to the place bet, the place to lose bet wagers that a 7 will be rolled before the relevant place number, providing players with inverse odds to the place bet.

Buy Bet: Players can choose a place bet or a buy bet for particular numbers. The buy bet pays out at true odds, but usually attracts an additional commission of 5% from the casino on winning amounts.

Big 6 and 8 Bet: A big 6 or 8 bet pays out when the die total 6 or 8, depending on the bet, before they total 7. These bets are often avoided because they pay out at even odds, versus a place bet on either the 6 or the 8 which will pay out in a ratio of 7:6.

Hard Ways Bet: The hard way bet is a wager that the shooter will roll a 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 with exact match even die before rolling a 7, or the same number the easy way (i.e. with an odd and even die). For example, 3-3 is a hard way 6, whereas 5-1 is an easy way 6. These bets pay out at 7:1.

Single Roll Bets:These bets are resolved in one roll, as opposed to running, multi-roll bets which can continue to pay on more than one roll. There are a number of single roll bets, or proposition bets, that can be placed, as follows:

Snake Eyes – where the shooter rolls 1-1. Pays at 30:1.

Casino Craps Explained Game

Ace-Deuce – where the shooter rolls 1-2. Pays at 15:1.

– where the shooter rolls 11. Pays at 15:1.

– where the shooter rolls 12. Pays at 30:1.

Hi-Lo –
where the shooter rolls 1-1 or 6-6. Pays at 15:1.

Big Red
– where the shooter rolls a 7. Pays at 4:1.

The Horn
– effectively four distinct bets on 2, 3, 11 and 12, paying out after a three-parts deduction for the losing three bets depending on the number rolled. Pays at 27:4 on 2/12 and 3:1 on 3/11.

World – effectively five distinct bets on 2, 3, 11, 12 and 7. Pays at 26:5 on 2/12, 11:5 on 3/11 or 0:1 on 7.


On The Hop – a bet on two particular die being rolled, i.e. 3 and 5. Pays at 15:1 for singles and 30:1 for a pair (e.g. 4-4).

Tournoi de poker saint paul les dax shepard. While each of these bets will offer more significant returns, these bets are positioned at less favorable odds to the shooter, and as such command a much more significant house edge. As a result, these wagers should only really be placed by more experienced or more confident players.

Category craps strategy | Tags: , bets

If you want to learn to play craps, you should start by learning how the craps table works.

It might seem intimidating at first, but it's less complicated than you think.

And smarts craps players ignore most of the table, anyway.

This post explains in detail for beginners what they need to know about placing bets on the craps table.

The Basics of the Craps Table

In casinos, craps is played at a table, usually one covered in green felt. The bets available are labeled on the felt. The table is also the playing surface for the game – you roll the dice on the same table where you place your bets.

Casino sioux city ia. Most of the best US casinos use a long table for craps – it's 12 feet long, but it's kind of rectangular. You'll find smaller craps tables sometimes, but most casinos use the 12 feet long table because it accommodates more players – up to 16 people can play craps comfortably at a 12 feet long table.

The rail around the table is padded because a lot of people get tired of standing and want something to lean on. Craps isn't like blackjack; you don't sit on a stool at the craps table.

Each player has a rack where he can put his chips while he plays. That's located next to the padded railing.

The green felt is considered the bed of the craps table, and it has (almost) all the bets available stenciled on it.

Also, the craps table isn't really a flat table – it's more like a big, rectangular bowl. This prevents the dice from rolling onto the ground. The walls inside the table are padded with rubber pyramids, which serve to further randomize the rolls of the dice.

If you're the shooter, you're required to roll the dice all the way to the pyramids on the other side of the table.

How the Bets Are Laid Out on a Craps Table

If you've never played before, you'll think craps is too complicated because of all the different bets available on the layout.

But it's easier than you think.


You can think of the table as having a side section and a center section. (Really, there are 2 side sections – one on either end of the craps table. They're identical, though.)

The side sections are both run by a dealer, but the center section is run by the stickman.

You'll see blocks with numbers and words in them in each section. Those are the bets you can place.

You should avoid the bets in the center section, which are the bets that the stickman will encourage you to make. I'll explain the center section later, but for now, I want to focus on the section where you'll be making the most bets if you're a smart player.

The self-service bets – the bets you're allowed to place for yourself – include the following bets:

  1. Pass
  2. Don't Pass
  3. Come
  4. Don't Come
  5. Field
  6. Big 6
  7. Big 8

These are the most basic bets in craps, and they have the lowest house edge – although Big 6 and Big 8 are the worst in this batch. (On some tables, those aren't even in the self-service area at all.)

When one of these bets wins, the dealer puts your winnings on the table next to your bet. If you leave that money on the table, it goes back into action.

The other area in the side section is the dealer's area. Here, you need to get the dealer to place your bet for you. This area includes the point boxes:

  • 4
  • 5
  • Six
  • 8
  • Nine
  • 10

You'll notice that I spelled out 6 and 9. That's how they'll appear on the table so that players don't get confused about which is which.

When a shooter sets a point, the dealer puts a puck in the appropriate box to signify the point for that game. These spots serve a 2nd purpose, too – you can ask the dealer to place Buy, Lay, and Place bets for you in those spots.

Come and Don't Come are still self-service bets, but the odds bet for those must be handled by the dealer. The dealer uses the chips you bet on Come or Don't Come to mark the number in those numbered boxes, and they put the odds bet next to the appropriate number, too.

The Center Section Is for Prop Bets, Which You Should NEVER Make

You'll notice that the stickman, who's running the center section of the craps table, acts like a carnival barker or one of those loud pitchmen you sometimes run into at a flea market. That's because his job is to sell the worst bets on the craps table to the players.

The reason these are the worst bets on the table is because the house edge for ALL these bets is insanely high.

The house edge is a statistically expected loss that you'll see over the long run with a specific kind of bet.

The pass line bet has a house edge of 1.41%, which is relatively low for a casino game. In fact, it's one of the best bets in the casino.

But the house edge on the bets in the center of the table is 9% or higher.

Nonetheless, here you can place bets in this section if you want to.

To do so, you toss your chips to the center of the table to the stickman and announce what bet you want to place. Try to use some skill and deftness when you do this – you don't want to knock someone else's chips over, for example.

When you win one of these proposition bets, the chips are paid directly to you rather than just being placed on the table next to your original bet.

Examples of Proposition Bets and Their House Edge

The hard way bets are bets on totals like 4, 6, 8, or 10.

But they only pay off if the shooter rolls that total 'the hard way.'

Casino Craps Explained Games

This means that a total of 4 must be a pair of deuces, a 6 must be a roll with of both 3s, an 8 must consist of a couple of 4s, and a 10 must be made up of 5s.


For those with a greater risk appetite, there are opportunities to win more on each roll through alternative bets. While these do pose a more aggressive house edge, players can use these bets to their advantage in order to win more substantially with each successful shoot.

Place Bet: The place bet pays slightly less than true odds, but allows players the chance to profit from rolling a place number before they roll a 7, and are associated with a particular place number depending on the bet.

Place To Lose Bet: Similar to the place bet, the place to lose bet wagers that a 7 will be rolled before the relevant place number, providing players with inverse odds to the place bet.

Buy Bet: Players can choose a place bet or a buy bet for particular numbers. The buy bet pays out at true odds, but usually attracts an additional commission of 5% from the casino on winning amounts.

Big 6 and 8 Bet: A big 6 or 8 bet pays out when the die total 6 or 8, depending on the bet, before they total 7. These bets are often avoided because they pay out at even odds, versus a place bet on either the 6 or the 8 which will pay out in a ratio of 7:6.

Hard Ways Bet: The hard way bet is a wager that the shooter will roll a 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 with exact match even die before rolling a 7, or the same number the easy way (i.e. with an odd and even die). For example, 3-3 is a hard way 6, whereas 5-1 is an easy way 6. These bets pay out at 7:1.

Single Roll Bets:These bets are resolved in one roll, as opposed to running, multi-roll bets which can continue to pay on more than one roll. There are a number of single roll bets, or proposition bets, that can be placed, as follows:

Snake Eyes – where the shooter rolls 1-1. Pays at 30:1.

Casino Craps Explained Game

Ace-Deuce – where the shooter rolls 1-2. Pays at 15:1.

– where the shooter rolls 11. Pays at 15:1.

– where the shooter rolls 12. Pays at 30:1.

Hi-Lo –
where the shooter rolls 1-1 or 6-6. Pays at 15:1.

Big Red
– where the shooter rolls a 7. Pays at 4:1.

The Horn
– effectively four distinct bets on 2, 3, 11 and 12, paying out after a three-parts deduction for the losing three bets depending on the number rolled. Pays at 27:4 on 2/12 and 3:1 on 3/11.

World – effectively five distinct bets on 2, 3, 11, 12 and 7. Pays at 26:5 on 2/12, 11:5 on 3/11 or 0:1 on 7.

On The Hop – a bet on two particular die being rolled, i.e. 3 and 5. Pays at 15:1 for singles and 30:1 for a pair (e.g. 4-4).

Tournoi de poker saint paul les dax shepard. While each of these bets will offer more significant returns, these bets are positioned at less favorable odds to the shooter, and as such command a much more significant house edge. As a result, these wagers should only really be placed by more experienced or more confident players.

Category craps strategy | Tags: , bets

If you want to learn to play craps, you should start by learning how the craps table works.

It might seem intimidating at first, but it's less complicated than you think.

And smarts craps players ignore most of the table, anyway.

This post explains in detail for beginners what they need to know about placing bets on the craps table.

The Basics of the Craps Table

In casinos, craps is played at a table, usually one covered in green felt. The bets available are labeled on the felt. The table is also the playing surface for the game – you roll the dice on the same table where you place your bets.

Casino sioux city ia. Most of the best US casinos use a long table for craps – it's 12 feet long, but it's kind of rectangular. You'll find smaller craps tables sometimes, but most casinos use the 12 feet long table because it accommodates more players – up to 16 people can play craps comfortably at a 12 feet long table.

The rail around the table is padded because a lot of people get tired of standing and want something to lean on. Craps isn't like blackjack; you don't sit on a stool at the craps table.

Each player has a rack where he can put his chips while he plays. That's located next to the padded railing.

The green felt is considered the bed of the craps table, and it has (almost) all the bets available stenciled on it.

Also, the craps table isn't really a flat table – it's more like a big, rectangular bowl. This prevents the dice from rolling onto the ground. The walls inside the table are padded with rubber pyramids, which serve to further randomize the rolls of the dice.

If you're the shooter, you're required to roll the dice all the way to the pyramids on the other side of the table.

How the Bets Are Laid Out on a Craps Table

If you've never played before, you'll think craps is too complicated because of all the different bets available on the layout.

But it's easier than you think.

You can think of the table as having a side section and a center section. (Really, there are 2 side sections – one on either end of the craps table. They're identical, though.)

The side sections are both run by a dealer, but the center section is run by the stickman.

You'll see blocks with numbers and words in them in each section. Those are the bets you can place.

You should avoid the bets in the center section, which are the bets that the stickman will encourage you to make. I'll explain the center section later, but for now, I want to focus on the section where you'll be making the most bets if you're a smart player.

The self-service bets – the bets you're allowed to place for yourself – include the following bets:

  1. Pass
  2. Don't Pass
  3. Come
  4. Don't Come
  5. Field
  6. Big 6
  7. Big 8

These are the most basic bets in craps, and they have the lowest house edge – although Big 6 and Big 8 are the worst in this batch. (On some tables, those aren't even in the self-service area at all.)

When one of these bets wins, the dealer puts your winnings on the table next to your bet. If you leave that money on the table, it goes back into action.

The other area in the side section is the dealer's area. Here, you need to get the dealer to place your bet for you. This area includes the point boxes:

  • 4
  • 5
  • Six
  • 8
  • Nine
  • 10

You'll notice that I spelled out 6 and 9. That's how they'll appear on the table so that players don't get confused about which is which.

When a shooter sets a point, the dealer puts a puck in the appropriate box to signify the point for that game. These spots serve a 2nd purpose, too – you can ask the dealer to place Buy, Lay, and Place bets for you in those spots.

Come and Don't Come are still self-service bets, but the odds bet for those must be handled by the dealer. The dealer uses the chips you bet on Come or Don't Come to mark the number in those numbered boxes, and they put the odds bet next to the appropriate number, too.

The Center Section Is for Prop Bets, Which You Should NEVER Make

You'll notice that the stickman, who's running the center section of the craps table, acts like a carnival barker or one of those loud pitchmen you sometimes run into at a flea market. That's because his job is to sell the worst bets on the craps table to the players.

The reason these are the worst bets on the table is because the house edge for ALL these bets is insanely high.

The house edge is a statistically expected loss that you'll see over the long run with a specific kind of bet.

The pass line bet has a house edge of 1.41%, which is relatively low for a casino game. In fact, it's one of the best bets in the casino.

But the house edge on the bets in the center of the table is 9% or higher.

Nonetheless, here you can place bets in this section if you want to.

To do so, you toss your chips to the center of the table to the stickman and announce what bet you want to place. Try to use some skill and deftness when you do this – you don't want to knock someone else's chips over, for example.

When you win one of these proposition bets, the chips are paid directly to you rather than just being placed on the table next to your original bet.

Examples of Proposition Bets and Their House Edge

The hard way bets are bets on totals like 4, 6, 8, or 10.

But they only pay off if the shooter rolls that total 'the hard way.'

Casino Craps Explained Games

This means that a total of 4 must be a pair of deuces, a 6 must be a roll with of both 3s, an 8 must consist of a couple of 4s, and a 10 must be made up of 5s.

The payout for a hard 6 or hard 8 is 9 to 1, and the payout for a hard 4 or 10 is 7 to 1.

The house edge for the hard 6 or hard 8 bet is 9.09%.

The house edge for the hard 4 or hard 10 bet is 11.11%.

I often suggest that many gambling writers make too much of a fuss about the house edge on casino games, but this is one instance where it's a big deal.

You're looking at a statistical advantage for the casino that's 10 times as great on one bet over the other bet.

You should pay attention to that, for sure.

Just skip the proposition bets.

You'll have just as much fun at the craps table, you'll probably stay in action longer, and you'll have a better chance of going home from the craps table a winner.

How to Get Used to the Craps Layout

The best way to get used to the game of craps is to play at an online casino, like those recommended on this site. All the casinos listed here offer free-to-play versions of their casino games. You play for 'play-money' chips.

The big advantage of doing this is that you're not risking any real money when you're playing these free craps games.

The online video game layout for those craps tables are almost completely identical to what you'll see in a live casino, too.

It's much better to learn without risking money if you can.


You need to know how the craps table and its layout work if you want to stand a chance at winning when shooting dice.

The best way to do that is to practice on a free game after reading through this quick tutorial.

The most important advice I offer in this post, though, is to stay away from those bets in the middle of the table. The house edge is just too high on those.

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